The Silent Listener: British Electronic Surveillance Falklands 1982On 2 April 1982 Argentina launched Operation Rosario, the invasion of the Falklands. The British, caught off guard, responded with Operation Corporate. Deployed alongside the rest of the British Army was a small specialist intelligence unit, whose very existence was unknown to many commanders and whose activities were cloaked in the Official Secrets Act. Trained during the years of the Cold War, the OC of the unit, D.J. Thorp, was tasked with providing electronic warfare support - interception of Argentinean electronic and radio signals - allowing the British to be in real time receipt of enemy plans long before execution. He personally briefed Col H Jones before the Battle of Goose Green. For the first time in print, The Silent Listener confirms the existence and role of the Special Task Detachment during Operation Corporate and provides details of the deployment and operational role of a dedicated ground based electronic warfare (EW) weapons facility. It also details the development of electronic warfare during the Cold War period, including the establishment of a communications intercept site on East Island following the cessation of hostilities in the Falklands, and D.J. Thorp's top secret role in the investigation into the sinking of ARA General Belgrano.Dimensions: 15.49 x 1.27 x 23.37 centimetres (0.34 kg)1982年4月2日、アルゼンチンはフォークランドの侵攻作戦ロザリオを開始した。
冷戦時代に訓練されたDJ Thorpは電子戦争の支援 - アルゼンチンの電子と無線信号の傍受 - を提供し、実行前に敵の計画をリアルタイムで受信できるようにしました。
彼はGoose Greenの戦いの前に個人的にCol H Jonesに説明しました。
また、冷戦時代のフォークランドでの敵対行為の停止に伴う東アイランドでの通信傍受サイトの設立、ARA General Belgranoの沈没調査におけるDJ Thorpの秘密の役割など、電子戦争の発展についても詳述しています。
寸法:15.49 x 1.27 x 23.37センチメートル(0.34 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
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