John of Gaunt: The Exercise of Princely Power in Fourteenth-Century EuropeJohn of Gaunt (1340 -99), Duke of Lancaster and pretender to the throne of Castile, was son to Edward III, uncle to the ill-starred Richard III and father to Henry IV and the Lancastrian line. The richest and most powerful subject in England, a key actor on the international stage, patron of Wycliffe and Chaucer, he was deeply involved in the Peasant's revolt and the Hundred Years War. He is also one of the most hated men of his time. This splendid study, the first since 1904, vividly portrays the political life of the age, with the controversial figure of Gaunt at the heart of it.Dimensions: 23.5 x 15.9 centimetres (0.32 kg)ランカスターの公爵であり、カスティーリャの王位に扮するガーンのジョン(1340 -99)は、エドワード3世の息子であり、悪名高いリチャード3世とヘンリー4世への父親とランカスターの行に属しています。
寸法:23.5 x 15.9センチメートル(0.32 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
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